Tuesday, August 4, 2015


A lot of pain has found its way into my high school this past week alone. Not even a year after losing one of my classmates, another friend of mine lost his life. Then, soon after, we received word that an administrator went to be with the Lord as well. Finally, just yesterday, yet another classmate of mine lost his long battle with cancer. Three in about a week.
My old high school is no stranger to loss. We have lost students and alums alike to accidents and illness, but I don't think we have suffered it this much in this concentration. Now, as the school year is fixing to start up again, I don't know how they are going to cope or even try to be happy in this time of grief. 
Mt little brother will be a senior this year, and he was close with the student that passed away more than I was. They ate lunch together everyday, and people said they looked like twins, or at least brothers. That's how I was introduced to him. "Mary Grace this is ____, doesn't he look just like your brother??" And we had a good laugh about it. It's just hard to see him like this.
But that really puts things into perspective and it forces us to realize that life is precious and it is a gift, not a privilege. The events that my school has faced is tragic to say the very least, and the memories of those lost will remain in our minds and in our hearts forever. But now students, teachers, administrators, and parents alike will have a new deep appreciation for what they have and find that time to reconnect with things that are most important- such as their family, friends, and most importantly, God.

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith"
- 2 Timothy 4:7

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