In honor of starting Game of Thrones (by the way awesome), I decided to take on one of my biggest challenges: crochet. Yes, it sounds silly but trust me, I thought it was the devils craft. It all started a few months ago. I had a crochet hook in order to add fringe to scarves I knitted, and I decided I would try to learn before I went off to college, just so I would have something else to say in those ice breaker games I know I would have to play. But that was the easiest part of it. I had know idea what the videos were saying and I could never get my chain stiches to look like theirs. So, I gave up.
Then today, my friend Hope called me and asked about my battle. She told me she had purchased a crochet hook and was getting the hang of making granny squares. I wasn't shocked, she got me into knitting, and she's much more talented at than me (she can cable knit for goodness sake). She encouraged me to try again, so needless to say I prepared to return to battle. I started and it was no different than my first encounter, but then I found a video that shined a light. And a miracle happened. I did a complete round of crocheting a granny square. Each round after that came easier than the one before it, and I even switched colors! So now crochet is under my rule in y crafting kingdom.
I plan on switching colors about every four rounds and make a big blanket.
P.s- Here's the link to the video. Be sure to pause at each step until you get the hang of it so you don't get left behind!
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